Hi my name is Nuno Lourenço and I am the founder and owner of Balanced Heart Being. Currently Balanced Heart Being provides Yoga, Chair Yoga and Tai-chi services throughout the city. Our mission is to support and inspire all individuals who wish to live a happier and healthier life through movement.
Our vision is to become an inspiration and provide a different perspective for people of all genders, orientations, ages, cultures, beliefs and experiences from all around the world, so that they may be more inclusive of everything and everyone and ultimately reach peace of mind.
Balanced Heart Being was birthed out of the next step in my life of wanting to have a space. The same space I offer when I teach. A space of unconditional love where everyone is welcome and new stories are born. A space where dwelling on the past is not necessary, only new beginnings of Joy, Freedom and Love.
My love and passion for Yoga began in 2009 when I took my first class. I have always loved to move and Yoga just felt right. Having been in martial arts in my teens through to my thirties. I really enjoyed this new way of moving without the intent to harm. Moving without moving, traveling without travelling. In yoga I found the intent of moving to heal. A few years later was when I decided that my time as a martial artist was over and I felt a new story was emerging as a healing artist. Since that time I have gone on to learn Tai-Chi as well as Reiki a healing modality of channelling healing through the hands.
And so far I am loving this new story of mine. Being present and moving with the intent to heal and inspire. It is a wonderful time to be alive living this story.
To support all individuals that wish to live a happier and healthier life through movement; regardless of gender, orientation, age, culture, beliefs and experience.
To become an inspiration for people of all genders, orientations, ages, cultures, beliefs and experiences from all around the world. To help them open their minds to different perspectives and be more inclusive of everything and everyone, and ultimately reach peace of mind.
Thank you to my teachers.
Ante & Felicia Pavlovic @ Yoga Therapy Toronto
Tracey Soghrati @ Soghrati Yoga
John Crundall and Ellen Rose @ Usui Reiki Centre
Ali Siadatan @ Wu-Xing Martial Arts
This beautiful website was
designed by: Patricia Lourenço www.patricialourenco.com
built by: Carrly Gooding www.carrly.com